Jumaat, 22 Julai 2011

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NST Online: Exclusive

<b><small>ZUBAIDAH ABU BAKAR:</b></small><br>Pas goes 'under the radar'

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:57 AM PDT

Zubaidah Abu Bakar

Even the presence of Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat at a ceramah in Pas stronghold Sungai Terah on Thursday failed to draw the crowd.

Many blamed the heavy rain which started to pour earlier but the rain had stopped before the Tok Guru took the microphone.

There was an estimated crowd of about 200 people; its usually not the case

as Pas supporters would braved the rain, willing to be soaked to the skin
to listen to the party's spiritual leader and Kelantan menteri besar speak.

The Sungai Terah polling district has about 95 per cent of Malay voters; in the 2008 general election, Barisan Nasional only managed 78 votes compared to Pas' 215 votes.

That was how strong the Islamist party's influence there then.

But Umno leaders are anticipating that the situation could change, they believe the level of support to Pas may dip when some 300 registered voters there go to the ballot again on Nov 4 to pick their new representative in the state legislative assembly.

"Our candidate Abdul Aziz Yusoff had done a good job in the area, the people know him well because he had served the area as a manager in the South Kelantan Regional Development Authority (Kesedar).

"He could well be the reason behind the positive signs we are getting in the area," says Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan.

The "ceramah perdana" in Sungai Terah are among the few big public rallies that Pakatan Rakyat had outlined for its bigwigs to speak -- the other speakers at the ceramah that day were Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and DAP
secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

Pas is adopting a "low profile, below the radar" campaign strategy for Galas and this had somewhat toned the otherwise heated campaigns like during the Manik Urai by-election, which is the first by-election in Kelantan, last year.

Pas leaders wanted more direct contacts with voters be carried out; opting for small group ceramah and door to door campaigning, which ironically the same strategy that Umno and BN has adopted.

No big rally had been planned on BN's side either, including the "Pentas Pemuda" that usually make its appearance in past by-elections. Only eight mini ceramahs involving between 30-40 people and similar number of 'salam sayang" programmes (chit chat sessions) by wanita Umno are being organised daily.

Umno youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin and his troops have been knocking on doors of those identified as fence-sitters in several areas daily. They even bumped into their opponents during their campaign trails, like the on in Kampung Mentara where Pas had won by 11 votes in the area in 2008.

A source also revealed there is a list of do's and dont's for Pas campaigners and that include not touching the Kelantan oil royalty issue and on Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who is also the BN by-election director.

Canvassing for votes in whatever forms will continue until the eve of polling. For Abdul Aziz and his opponent from Pas, Dr Zulkefli Mohamad, the days ahead will be long and tiring.

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BN aims for smaller, but effective meetings

Posted: 15 Mar 2011 12:34 AM PDT

BN aims for smaller, but effective meetings

By NST team in Gua Musang, Kelantan

GUA MUSANG: Barisan Nasional candidate Abdul Aziz Yusoff said he would continue with his plan to personally meet as many voters as he could although such an approach could slow down his campaign trail.

"I want to know them apart from introducing myself as BN candidate. I also want to know the problems faced by the voters here," he told a press conference at BN operations centre in Bukit Cekati here.

Aziz, who is Gua Musang Umno division secretary, also refuted claims that the BN election machinery for Galas by-election was too slow. He said the party machinery was actually giving more focus on small gatherings which would enable them to understand the people's problems and needs.

"From the feedback that I personally gathered from voters, they are frustrated with the Pas state government's failure to issue land titles and provide affordable homes for them," he said.

Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan who was present said BN would continue with its present approach, which was to hold dozens of small gatherings at different polling districts daily.

"We will use these gatherings to explain on BN government's development plan and counter all the allegations made by the opposition.

"It's more effective compared to big ceramahs," he said.

However, he said no gatherings would be held tonight as to allow BN campaigners and voters here to watch the Malaysia Cup final match between Kelantan and Negeri Sembilan. He said BN would put giant projector screens at 14 locations as to allow the people here to watch the final match live.

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BN aims for smaller, but effective meetings

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